
Payment systems

16.04.2024 / 11:23

Nick: Climon
Bucataras incepator
Bucataras din: 23.12.2021
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 Hello everyone, can anyone tell me what to look for when choosing a payment system for an e-commerce site?


17.04.2024 / 00:15

Nick: Beros
Bucataras incepator
Bucataras din: 24.11.2021
Retete: 0
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 Hello, in this case you will need a payment gateway. The payment gateway facilitates the smooth passage of such transactions by encrypting sensitive data and transferring it between the payment portal. In general, payment gateways facilitate communication between your website or specialty store, the payment processor, and the bank that issued the credit card used to make the purchase. Security is a core component of all payment gateways, so every transaction between the merchant and the issuing bank is encrypted to protect sensitive financial information. In this case, OpenBanking for merchant will become more secure for your customers.

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